张韬 zhangtao's profile

BOBAHEAD tea with milk LOGO

主要产品: 主要产品为珍珠奶茶类饮料,现泡果茶,季节新鲜水果茶。
bobahead对待茶饮严谨的一面。杯子里的艺术(Art in the cup)。
BOBAHEAD, a tea shop located in Portland, USA. Main products: The main products are bubble milk tea beverages, freshly brewed fruit teas, and seasonal fresh fruit teas.
The keywords are concise, modern, interesting, tolerant and homie culture. The design scheme uses a simple composition to express these characteristics. The black and white form expresses the innovation and identity of the tea blend, and the dots extracted from the logo are composed of symbols. The pattern is concise with a sense of hippie, vivid and interesting, visually aggressive, and conveys the concept of gathering at the same time. The ratio just fits the golden ratio. The two circles are on the golden ratio line, which also reflects bobahead's rigorous treatment of tea.
Art in the cup.
BOBAHEAD tea with milk LOGO


BOBAHEAD tea with milk LOGO

logo design, Tea with milk brand design
